Corporate solutions
Open Banking solutions
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Balance and transaction reporting for Corporate customers
Collect payments seamlessly and connect to over 3 million customers with PayMe for Business.
Simulation API for Hong Kong FPS, Malaysia DuitNow, Singapore PayNow and Vietnam VietQR
Manage documents associated with your customers application
Digital Merchant Services Cards and Alternative Payment Methods Specifications
Credit Notifications sent by HSBC to report payments received in Corporate accounts.
Direct debit authorisation and instruction for corporate customers in Hong Kong and Singapore
Multi-currency payments with FX conversion
Single and bulk payment initiation for Corporate customers
Payment pre-validation provides assurance that payments are being routed to the intended recipient
Cross border payment status tracking via SWIFT gpi
Add and reset data in the Corporate Sandbox
Support revenue growth and increase sales velocity by embedding financing solutions into your ecommerce platform.
Seamlessly send enquiries to HSBC about Export Collection bills received by HSBC
Seamlessly send enquiries to Export Letters of Credit (LC/ DC) advised by HSBC
Bank Guarantee status for Financial Institutions
Request TradePay loan for buyers and sellers.
Submit applications/amendments/enquiries for Import Letters of Credit.
Request financing directly with HSBC via our Buyer Loan APIs
Submit invoices or credit notes directly to HSBC in real-time.