FA - NAV Asset Value & Prices

Fund Administration - NAV Asset Value & Prices API

Contains NAV Price information (fund and share class level), and exchange rate details.

Why use these APIs?

Our NAV Asset Value & Prices API can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through direct access to our platforms. You can obtain historical and up-to-date NAV and Prices information in both fund level and class level as well as exchanges rates and its movements. It allows efficient transfer of the data to 3rd parties to facilitate various reviews.


Key Features

  • Enriched Price and Exchange Rates Information
  • Integration with Existing Systems
  • Increased Automation
  • On-demand information 24 x 7 allowing you access to the historical and current NAV & Prices data (by funds and classes) as well as exchange rate movement
  • Enhanced efficiency by providing direct access to data, reducing the needs of e-mails/ other data transfer channels and further dependency on response turnaround times for information.

NAV Asset Value & Prices API

  • NAV & Price: Gain access to NAV and price-related information in fund and class level at different time periods as soon as the NAV & Prices are published. It covers bid/offer price, subscription price and redemption price available from our Securities Services Fund Administration accounting platforms. Fetch NAV & Prices for multiple valuation points with comparative figures from previous valuation points.
  • Exchange Rate: Gain access the exchange rates of the currency pairs of the fund base currency and investment currencies. Compare with the exchange rates on the previous day to understand the impact on fund’s net asset value brought by the exchange rate movement.


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