Use Case

Fund Administration - NAV Asset Value & Prices

Use Case 1: Efficient Price Information Circulation (NAV & Prices API)

Company profile – an international asset management company with its own portal to publish the NAV & Prices data

The challenge

Clients have developed their own portal to publish the NAV & Prices information of their funds to the investors, distributors and 3rd parties. The information will be updated to the portal on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and it is critical for clients to have access to the data to provide to different stakeholders as soon as possible. However, these data are only available after the NAV & Prices data are uploaded by the clients to their back-end infrastructure. Currently, clients obtain the NAV & prices data via group’s multiple delivery channels such as emails that may lead to further delay. As a result, clients cannot promptly reflect and publish the latest NAV & Prices information to the portal.

The solution

The asset management company can integrate HSBC Securities Services’ NAV & Prices API within their own portal to have access to the NAV & Prices data on different funds and the share classes. Clients will be able to connect the API with their portal to automate the process of gathering the latest NAV & Prices information. Once they call the API from their portal, the latest NAV & Prices data will be automatically made available. By having the capabilities to extract the latest information directly, the process of obtaining NAV & Prices data is streamlined reducing layers of multiple delivery channels.


  • Clients can automatically reflect the NAV & Prices data in their portal by integrating with our API
  • Less time spent in requesting the price information via multiple delivery channels
  • Enhanced efficiency in delivering the information to investors, distributors and 3rd parties as they can receive the price information once the clients call the NAV & Prices API


Use Case 2: Efficient Access and Transfer of Data (Exchange Rates API)

Company profile – an international asset management company that transfers data to the depositary and the auditors on a regular basis for concurrent audit or any other purposes

The challenge

There are different types of fund data such as holdings and ledgers that are included in the fund’s balance sheet and income statement. The asset management companies will need access to this data and to send this information to the depositary for regulatory purposes and the auditors for auditing purposes. As multiple types of data are needed, client’s operations team will need to wait for the fund administrators to generate different datasets from their system. As a result, the efficiency of the data transfer process is dependent on the fund administrators running the different datasets and sending via email or other data transfer channels.

The solution

The asset management company can integrate HSBC Securities Services’ API within their own systems in order to enhance the efficiency of access to the data or to transfer the data to 3rd parties like the depositary and the auditors. The company can build a connection between their platform and HSBC Securities Services’ API. When the company requests any types of data, the company can call the corresponding APIs to obtain the data immediately to view or send to the relevant parties without having to manually request the data from the fund administrators. The lead time from the fund administrations is completely eliminated, maximizing the efficiency, and the company can call the APIs to obtain the data whenever needed. This can also ensure the data could be transferred to the relevant parties on the pre-agreed timelines.


  • The asset management company can obtain the fund financial information 24 x 7 across its managed funds
  • Enhanced efficiency on the data transmission process as data sharing between the company and the fund administrator is automated
  • Reduced chance of errors and delays in the data sharing process as manual effort is reduced and the process is automated


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