How to get started

How to get started

Availability and the required next steps to integrate with this API.

Coverage details

The SWIFT gpi API currently supports payment tracking in the below locations. Please speak to your HSBC representative for a detailed discussion regarding the supported functionality in each country.

Region Payment Country
Asia Pacific AU - Australia
BD - Bangladesh
HK - Hong Kong
IN - India
JP - Japan
KR - South Korea
LK - Sri Lanka
MU - Mauritius
MV - Maldives
MY - Malaysia
NZ - New Zealand
PH - Phillipines
SG - Singapore
TH - Thailand
VN - Vietnam
Europe and Africa BE - Belgium
CH - Switzerland
CZ - Czech Republic
ES - Spain
FR - France
GB - United Kingdom
IE - Ireland
IL - Israel
IT - Italy
LU - Luxembourg
NL - Netherlands
PL - Poland
ZA - South Africa
Middle East AE - United Arab Emirates
BH - Bahrain
EG - Egypt
KW - Kuwait
OM - Oman
QA - Qatar
North America CA - Canada
US - United States


This API is available for Corporate and Institutional customers.

For Business banking customers, please speak to your HSBC representative to confirm availability.

Getting started

  • Please speak to a member of our Global Liquidity and Cash Management team or your existing HSBC representative.
  • Following a discussion with your HSBC representative you will be allocated a client integration manager who will guide you through the process of integrating with our APIs.
  • Your organisation will be registered on this site and you will receive an invitation to access the implementation documentation for the APIs.
  • Please read our documentation on how to use the HSBC API services and secure your connection with the relating electronic certificate and encryption key.
  • You will be guided on how to access the correct test environment to test your applications connectivity and integration with our APIs.
  • Your client integration contact will assist with testing and confirm when you are ready to go-live.
  • In the event of something going wrong during API testing, please contact your client integration manager in the first instance.
  • For any issues with the Developer Portal please contact us using the Help menu.


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