FA - Securities, Capital, Income and Ledger Transactions

Fund Administration - Securities, Capital, Income and Ledger Transactions API

Contains transaction details between NAV points

Why use these APIs?

Our Securities, Capital, Income and Ledger Transactions API can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through direct access to our platforms. You can obtain the details of your transaction data as well as additional supplementary information that will allow you to better manage your portfolio and make better investment decisions, and enhance the efficiency of continuous auditing and financial reporting.

Our Transactions API can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through direct access to our platforms. You can obtain the details of your funds’ intraday transactions as well as additional supplementary information that will allow you to better manage your portfolio and make better investment decisions, and improve the efficiency of ABOR-IBOR reconciliation and continuous audit.

Our FX Transactions APIs can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through direct access to our platforms. You can obtain the spot FX and forward FX transactions of your funds as well as additional supplementary information that will allow you to better manage your FX positions, and improve the efficiency of continuous audit and financial reporting.

Our Open Subscriptions / Redemptions API can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through direct access to our platforms. You can obtain the details of open subscriptions and redemptions as well as additional supplementary information that will allow you to efficiently transfer the data to the depositary, auditors and transfer agents where permitted per your contractual and regulatory obligations.

Our Subscription / Redemption Transactions API can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through direct access to our platforms. You can obtain the details of subscription and redemption transactions at share class level through our API to observe the fund’s net capital inflow that will allow you to understand the amount of capital available for investment decision making, and improve the efficiency of continuous audit and financial reporting.

Our Securities Income Entitlements API can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through direct access to our platforms. You can obtain the information on the dividends and coupons that your funds are entitled to receive as well as additional information that will allow you to efficiently transfer the data to the auditors where permitted per your contractual and regulatory obligations, and supplement the data summary available from our NAV Oversight applications.

Our Securities Income Received APIs can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through direct access to our platforms. You can obtain the details of securities income received as well as additional supplementary information that will allow you to enhance the efficiency of continuous auditing and financial reporting.

Our Open Securities Purchases / Sales API can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through direct access to our platforms. You can obtain the details of the open securities trades as well as additional supplementary information that will allow you to efficiently review the transactions pending settlements and at the same time transfer the data to internal platform or depositary / auditors for regulatory and auditing purposes, where permitted per your contractual and regulatory obligations.

Our Ledger Movements APIs can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through direct access to our platforms. You can obtain the movements of all the ledgers in your funds that will allow you to have full visibility on the changes on the balance sheet and income statement items, and improve the efficiency of continuous audit and financial reporting.


Key Features

  • Enriched Information on Transaction
  • Integration with Existing Systems
  • Increased Automation

Securities, Capital, Income and Ledger Transactions API (8 endpoints)

  • Transactions: Gain access to the transactions between NAV points or any set time periods.
  • FX Transactions: Gain access the details of the spot FX and forward FX transactions in the funds on a daily basis
  • Ledger Movements: Gain access on multiple fund activities such as purchase of securities, subscriptions and redemptions have an impact on the ledgers balance
  • Open Securities Purchases / Sales : Gain access the trade details of the securities awaiting settlement including the trade price, quantity and settlement date available from our Securities Services Fund Administration accounting systems.
  • Subscription / Redemption Transactions: Gain access to closed subscriptions and redemptions between NAV points or any set time period.
  • Securities Income Entitlements: Gain access to income entitlement for which assess the impact of these events on the fund’s balance sheet and income statements.
  • Securities Income Received: Gain access to the received income brought by the securities holding.
  • Open Subscriptions / Redemptions: Gain access to the subscriptions and redemptions awaiting settlement by share classes on a daily basis.


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