FA – Income Earned

Income Earned API

Gain access to the income earned between NAV points.

Why use these APIs?

Our Income Earned API can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through direct access to our platforms. You can obtain the information on the income earned from the securities you have invested in that will allow you to better manage your income accruals and income receipts between NAV points. Moreover, the efficiency of continuous audit and financial reporting can also be maximized.


Key Features

  • Enriched Information on Fund Income Earnings
  • Integration with Existing Systems
  • Increased Automation

Income Earned API

The Income Earned API allows clients to access the income accrual at the beginning of the period, income receipts during the period, and income accruals outstanding at the end of the period. This includes the name of the asset, opening and closing balance of income receivable, and income received available from our Securities Services Fund Administration accounting systems.

  • On- demand income earned information 24 x 7 across your income generating assets allowing you to keep track of the status of the income.
  • Direct access to data reducing e-mails and further dependency on response turnaround times for information.
  • Enriched income earned information including asset code, accrued interest, interest received and interest receivable.


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