FA – Fund NAV Summary API

Fund Administration – Fund NAV Summary API

Gain access to the assets and liabilities of the fund’s balance sheet to understand the fund’s NAV components.

Why use these APIs?

Our Fund NAV Summary API can enable operational efficiencies and enhanced visibility through access to our platforms. You can obtain detailed information on the assets and liabilities of the funds and a full picture of how significant these assets and liabilities contribute to the fund’s NAV through our API to perform errors checking, risk assessment, auditing and reconciliation.


Key Features

  • Detailed Information on the components of the fund’s NAV
  • Integration with Existing Systems
  • Increased Automation

Fund Administration – Fund NAV Summary API

The Fund NAV Summary API provides clients fund NAV data at a detailed level for the Balance Sheet items. It allows clients to have an in-depth view on the asset and liability components of the current and historical NAV. This includes the market value of the investments, fee accruals and payable, and unsettled trades available from our Securities Services Fund Administration accounting systems.

  • On- demand information 24 x 7 allowing you access to the assets and liabilities of multiple funds
  • Enhanced efficiency by providing direct access to data, reducing the need of e-mails / other data transfer channels and further dependency on response turnaround times for information.
  • Enriched information on fund NAV detail including but not limited to bid and offer value of the investments, and the value of the assets and liabilities that contributes to the fund’s NAV on a percentage basis


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