API overview

Branch Locator

These APIs provide the definitive list of HSBC branches in the United Kingdom.

Key features

  • Returns a list of UK branches
  • Search by town, postcode or geo-location
  • Find a branch by its sort code
  • Opening times
  • Facilities at the branch

How do they work?

These APIs are exposed as REST APIs using a swagger definition file that can be downloaded in the documentation. The data provided through the associated APIs is related to the UK only, and is prepared to the Open API data format and security standards as maintained by the Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE).

In addition to our regulatory obligation to provide free data on all our branches we have included some extended functionality to allow you to search by town, postcode, geo-location or sort code.

Who can use them?

Use of the APIs and any related data is subject to the terms of the Open Licence and subject to terms and conditions.

How much do they cost?

There are no charges for using these APIs. You don't have to register.

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