Trade Finance APIs - Response Code and Formats

Response Codes and Formats

HTTP Response Code Descriptions

The table below lists the HTTP Response Codes and descriptions

HTTP Response Code Description Message Level Encryption
200 OK The enquiry request was completed successfully. Yes
201 Created Resource created successfully.  
400 Bad Request Bad Request. No
401 Unauthorized Authorization credentials are missing or invalid No
403 Forbidden Access is forbidden. No
404 Not Found Empty resource/resource not found. No
500 Internal Server Error The request failed due to an internal error. Please contact HSBC technical support No
503 Service Unavailable The server is not ready to handle the request. (Due to server maintenance or overloaded) No


HTTP Response Code: 401 (Authorization credentials are missing or invalid)

The table below lists the Mappings of HTTP and HSBC Response Codes and descriptions

HTTP Response Code HSBC API Response Code Scenario/ Troubleshooting
401 EDSPER1001 Mandatory field Kid is missing or invalid in the customer JWT header
401 EDSPER1002 Invalid PGP Key , Key is set to never expiry
401 EDSPER1003 Invalid PGP Key , Key is expired
401 EDSPER1004 Invalid PGP Key
401 EDSPER1005 Customer JWT is expired
401 EDSPER1006 Mandatory field claim "iat" is missing or invalid from customer JWT header
401 EDSPER1007 Mandatory field claim  "Alg" is missing or invalid  in customer JWT header
401 EDSPER1008 Mandatory field Sub (profile id) is missing or invalid in customer JWT body
401 EDSPER2002 Internal Error. Please contact HSBC technical support.
401 EDSPER2003 Mandatory field jti is missing or invalid in customer JWT payload
401 EDSPER2004 : User account is locked Please contact HSBC technical support.
401 EDSPER2005 JWT Signature validation failed / Invalid JWT Signature
401 EDSPER2006 Blocked access to user accessing from sanctioned country
401 EDSPER2007 IP address missing so sanctioned country check failed.
401 EDSPER2008 : Authentication Token missing Invalid Authentication Token
401 EDSPER2009 : Client Token or Payload is in Invalid format Either Client Token or Payload is in Invalid format
401 EDSPER2010 Mandatory field aud is missing or invalid in customer JWT payload
401 EDSPER2011 : Client Token or Payload is in Invalid format Customer Token or Payload is invalid - payload hash mismatch.
401 EDSPER2012 : Mandatory field ver is missing or invalid Mandatory field ver is missing or invalid from JWT header
401 EDSPER2013 : User Login credentials are invalid User Login credentials are invalid
401 EDSPER2014 : Partner-customer relationship verification failed Please contact HSBC technical support.
401 EDSPEX2001 Please contact HSBC technical support.
401 EHVDER5008 Authentication Token missing
401 EHVDER5009 Either Client Token or Payload is in Invalid format.
401 EHVDER5010 Algorithm is  Not Supported
401 EHVDER5011 Customer Token or Payload is invalid - payload hash mismatch

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