Direct Custody and Clearing - Holdings

Portfolio Holdings

Gain real-time access to your portfolio reporting information.

Why use these APIs?

Our portfolio holdings APIs enables real-time access to our platforms so you can obtain your latest portfolio holdings information. This will allow you to better manage your intra-day and end-of-day positions for clients’ daily trade executions and post-trade exception management to avoid fails and buy-ins through quickly being able to identify short positions.

Key Features

  • Real-time information
  • Available in multiple markets
  • Integration with existing systems

Holdings API

The Holdings API provides clients with access to their latest holdings positions across their securities accounts.

  • On-demand holdings information 24 x 7 across your accounts.
  • Access to the latest positions in your accounts reflecting intra-day transaction movements.
  • Access to previous end-of-day balances to monitor past account movements.
  • Consolidated view of your portfolio across multiple markets and accounts.
  • Provide flexibility in analysing holdings information through availability of summary, sub-balance and detailed balances of your positions.
  • Provides a more efficient way for generating holding information allowing our clients to share and distribute more easily.


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